Wood Selection
Masterpiece Staircase offers a wide selection of wood choices for most of your stair parts. While Red Oak has been the standard for a very long time, more and more homeowners and builders are moving away from Red Oak – branching into exotics like Cumaru, Jatoba (Brazilian Cherry), Tigerwood, and others. We also love the exotics, as well as American favorites like Walnut, Maple, and American Cherry. As woodworkers, we love to see the wood tell the story with color and texture, rather than having a dark stain on a bland wood.
Below you can see many of the woods we have available. However, just because you don’t see the wood you want listed doesn’t mean we cannot fabricate stairs in that species. There are countless other species that we have produced beautiful stairs from – just give us a contact us at jon@masterpiecestaircase.com and we can discuss your options.